18? September 1881 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 02039 and UCCL 02416)
Dear Charley—
Find Louis C. Tiffany's present address (any big architect in your neighborhood can furnish it), & stand by to mail the enclosed letter to him when I telegraph you to mail it.
This is to cover accidents. If the weather is very hot, we shan't leave here Tuesday.
S. L. C.
Elmira, Sept. 19.
Louis C. Tiffany, Esq.
Dear Sir:
Where can I see you for a moment on business, in New York?
An answer will reach me Wednesday morning at the Gilsey House, where I shall arrive Tuesday night——& will much oblige
Yrs Very Truly
S. L. Clemens
("Mark Twain.")
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
See Mc Kinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.