Elmira, Sept. 2.
Dear Charley—
I am going to send this design to [you.] ‸by this mail.‸ It is for the back & side of my new book. Take perfect care of it, & don’t let it get injured. Put your very best artist on it (if you aint afraid to tackle it), take note of the time it takes him, & have him make the best job he can of it. When done, make a m Kaolatype cast from it, then go up to Chelsea & have it cast in iron. (But see Osgood, first, & have it cast in brass or iron, as he shall prefer.) Put her through as quickly as first-class work will permit.
But if you darsn’t undertake the thing, ship the design to
[remainder of letter missing]
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
you. • [deletion implied]