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Add to My Citations To Charles L. Webster
30 May 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 01962)
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May 30/81.

Dear Charley—

Here are some notes which I made a week or two ago. I send them because one of them is worth thinking about (the suggestion that perhaps money of mine was used to pay K debts incurred before I purchased).



We go to the Montowese House, Branford, Conn. next Saturday June 4.



The Vice Pres’t, must, at a meeting of the Co to be called, deliver a full inventory of the $3000 worth of material which he transferred to the Co;

Also, show that the K. came to us free of debt;

And if not free, that no money of ours went to paying debts;

Show vouchers for every dollar paid out since organizing, & be responsible for unvouched payments;

If the thing had $3000 worth of plant, why did it need $1000 a month to run it when it had already been in operation 2 years?

Must yield up his stock to pay for unvouched outlays.

Must give his note for one-half of all that the brass business has cost.

C. must talk with McL. & get his story.

Must know if the $10,000 went to Goff intact, or if there was a “division & silence.”

Nealey must be questioned as to this.

Was the sum for which S. was to “strike” me agreed upon on the way up here?

Is D afraid S will peach? Is that what makes him stick so close by S., & give his interest his sole support?

[SLC began a letter on 1 May, which he canceled before rotating the page 180 degrees and reusing it for his “Notes”; the canceled words appear upside down in the present letter:]

Hartford, May 1/81.

Dear Sir

Yours received.

[the last three sentences of the present letter were written between the lines of the canceled letter fragment:]

Why did he pay S after first week of April? Was he afraid to stop?

Collect from Herald and former publishers of Galaxy.

Textual Commentary

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MS, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Special Collections, NPV.

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MTBus, 157–58.


See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.

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