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Add to My Citations To Charles L. Webster
16 May 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 01954)
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Hartford May 16/81.

Dear Charley—

Yes, if we snatch Sneider up before the court he will weaken & be glad to sign the documents & get out.

Warn Mr. Beck against him, first time you get a chance.

I wish you had taken a detailed account of stock when you went in there. I am curious to know what the $3000 worth of “plant” which I bought of Slote for 120 shares consisted of. He was to furnish a list of it to the Co., but didn’t, because a second meeting has never been held.

I want you to be able to show a flattering contrast, at the end of 3 months, between your management & Slote’s, & I think you will.

I enclose $400 which I got for a magazine article. This, like stock speculations, is money got for nothing, so to speak. Send Perkins the Co.’s note for it.

Ys Truly

S L Clemens

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MS, correspondence card, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Special Collections, NPV.

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MTBus, 156.


See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.