Hartford, May 1/81.
Dear Charley—
When you
Suppose you get an interview with Nealey, & if you like his looks & his talk, ask him what he will give for a tenth or a fifth of the stock (part cash & the rest on time,) & upon what terms he will take the foremanship under you (& subject (in case Raubs turns out to be unsatisfactory to you.) He must not talk about this.
Send me the Company’s ‸interest-bearing‸ note (3 months) for the six hundred I gave you.—sign it as Superintendent of the K. E. Co. Make the note in Let Dan sign it as V. Prest. If he declines, sign it yourself as Superintendent of K. E. Co. & send it to Chas E. Perkins, 14 State st. Hartford & ask him to endorse his approval upon it as Secretary.
Run up here & report progress when opportunity offers.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.