May 1, /81.
Dear Charley—
I have a large plan laid out. The first division of it is this:
I want you to manage to give Dan the to give Dan the impression (& it will be true), that I have often wondered why he confined himself to saying that the $5,000 borrowed of me in ’78 just before failing, being a debt of honor, he should eventually see that it was paid in full, instead of 20 ‸or‸ 30 per c cents on the dollar like the rest of the firm’s debts. I have wondered at his merely saying this, & never offering me ei the firm’s note ante-dated to the early part of ’78 (inasmuch as his saying it would not protect me if he died suddenly).—It has half-way made me doubt him, sometimes. The moment you hear him say he is willing to furnish that note (as he will say, if you do your part neatly & with grace,) make him furnish it on the spot—don’t let him put it off till next day.
That is the first move. One at at time. I think I see my way clearly for some distance ahead of me.
S. L. C.
Where are you living?
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.