Feb. 26, 1881.
slc/mt farmington avenue, hartford.
My Dear General:
Will you do Charles Dudley Warner, Quincy Ward the sculptor, & myself, the kindness to furnish a U. S. passport to my ‸our‸ particular friend the bearer of this, Mr. Karl Gerhardt, so that he can have the student-privileges in the Beaux-Arts so generously extended by France to the children of her sister nations? We could have sent to Washington, but that would have necessitated the taking of a later steamer, & a consequent loss of valuable time. Mr. Gerhardt is a citizen of the United States by birth & all other ways. Tru◊‸st‸ing that you will grant the prayer of this my petition, I am
With great respect, sincerely Yours
S. L. Clemens
His Excellency General Noyes,
U. S. Minister.