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Add to My Citations To Joseph H. Twichell
16 February 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 01909)
Click to add citation to My Citations.

38 East 23rd St.

New York Feb 15 1881

Dear Mark

There is a good hotel at Lenox—good in summer and no doubt in winter. Mr Richard Goodman of Lenox could tell you of its accommodations. There is a club, ̭also̭ and billiards ̭arḙin that place.

I doubt if Ward can go up this week. His promise was for some indefinite Sunday. I write him a note at once.

I am deep in Capt John Smith, who holds me faster than the Indians did him.

Just this minute going to take journey for Brooklyn to talk tonight to the Young Men of Dr Storr’s church—[circled by SLC: same such lecture humbug as Joe gets up in his.] Love to Livy.

Yours ever

C. D. Warner

[drawing of hand pointing to phrase circled above]

Dear Joe—All right, I’ll do your lecture-humbug for you the 25th. Keep it quiet, you know; no printer’s ink. The way we did it before was right.

Yrs Ever

[(in] dreadful haste—just leaving for New York——both of us—couple of days.


[written to the left of the signature with a horizontal rule above and a vertical rule on the right:]

I told Howells [to]
send you the pen
—did he?

[new page:]

Please return this letter of Charley’s to me.

Textual Commentary

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MicroPUL, reel 2.


See Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.

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(in • [no closing parenthesis]