July 23.
My Dear Sister:
I cannot conceive of Mr. Adams doing an unlawful thing; consequently he doubtless has legalities on his side which I know not of. I had the impression that when a clergyman was ordained, he covenanted to preach a certain definitely defined doctrine; & that he could not honorably preach a sharp modification of that doctrine without first retiring from that communion & canceling that covenant. If this impression is not correct, churches are founded upon a less sensible basis than I had supposed they were. I am afraid I am right; & that Mr. Adams will be worsted in his fight. I shall take great interest in the case.
We are all getting along very well—I especially. I have the lumbago.
With love to Ma & all of you,
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTBus, 132.
Provenance:See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.