Feb. 7.
Your Excellency’s name is mentioned in the accompanying letter, & as I do not know the writer of it, I venture to come to you for information. If you are on his list, I judge it is because you have made inquiries & satisfied yourself of his trustworthiness. I have been so often duped by strangers who used people’s names without authority, that I [am] become cautious by compulsion. Will you kindly re-enclose the letter to me & tell me if you know Rev. Mr. Davis to be a responsible person?
Very Truly Yours
S. L. Clemens
ToHis Excellency the Governor.
New York City
Feby 6th/80
Mark Twain—
Dear Sir
It is well know among the colored People throughout the county that you have always spoken a workd of kindness for them A few weeks ago i called upon you to secure if — Possible your cooperation with other men of standing in the work of missions which we as a religious denominations are engage in throughout New-England States we have 24 places called mission fields, they afford releigious instruction to our race, for in many places where there is but few or not more then a half dozen persons the access to white churches is easy and Desirable But if there be more then this number thy are Timid—and the most of them will imagine that they are not wanting now. Sir the uneducated [State] of our people and there peculiar religious notions warrant us to secure places of worship, of our own, for the present. Again our People could not get all perhaps that they might demand in white Churches more especially where there rented pews— – – – – –
Under this Plane truth regarding my race, we call upon Christian friends and all others of the American People throughout good old New-England to help us bear this burden. beside this home work we have 200,000 Souls beyond the line who oftimes cry to us for help but those that clame our home attention throughout the State need our first care if nothing more then to arrest the young— I am pleased to inform you Sir the Mr. Thomas. South Esqur has head my list Followed by the Governor ‸of the State‸ and a large number of your Influenchel Citizens. I called upon you but family Sickness called you out of Town. I now ask your name donation to our cause which have been so willingly aided by the Friends of Hartford. As you have always manifested true friendship for our race that has been wonce oppressed but now free, thank God, we know that so great Mani in the Literary world as yourself will help our cause my head quarters is at Rv. R. R. Morris Pastor of Pearl St Afriacan M. E. Church No. 17, S. Am. St who will give you all Satisfaction as he is the Bishops. Secty Direct to Rv. Thos A. Davis
157, W. 24th St
I purpose of Publishing a rool of honor attached to our appeal
[clippings simulated, line by
line; cancellation is drawn by hand in ink:]
TO A BENEVOLENT CHRISTIAN PUBLIC OF N. Y. CITY ———— As a branch of the Christian family, seeking the
elevation We could publish a roll of honor to them, but time forbids. Now, if there is anything that a nation’s
people can bestow THOS. A. DAVIS, Pastor & Agent, I am prepared to lecture on Temperance and other
subjects, |
Res 157, W. 24th St
N.B on account of Sickness i have been unable to move to my Destrict
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Emendations and textual notes:
am • am am [corrected miswriting]
State • State [first ‘t’ not crossed]
M. E. • M[] E[] [periods obscured]
Suscbriptions • [sic]