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Add to My CitationsTo Thomas Bailey Aldrich
8 January 1880 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: MH-H, UCCL 01752)
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Jan. 8/80.

My Dear Aldrich:

Been expecting you & Mrs. A, all this time—you said you were going to make your New York journey soon. However, I didn’t write & hurry you, because I was hard at work from morning till night on my book every day, & moreover Mrs. Clemens was not half well enough to have guests. I finished the book yesterday, & we start to-day for an indefinite rest home-visit to Elmira, N.Y.—Mrs. Clemens’s feebleness & wretched health imperatively demanding rest & change.

This is why I didn’t ever write to hurry you along & keep you reminded of the agreement. But we hope to return in good trim before long, & then you must good make the contract good.

Yrs Ever


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MS, MH-H, shelf mark bMS Am 1784 (98).

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