Munich, Jan. 23.
Dear Joe—
I’ve got to write to Mr. Bliss & Frank through you, for I don’t know their address. I have the idea that Frank said they might leave the publishing company during the summer.
I only want to say to them this: I am doing my very level best, but I don’t want to attempt any more prophecies as to date of completion of the book. My prophecies seem to fail, every time. I work every day that some member of the family isn’t sick[.] This does not give me a great deal of time, but I make the most of what I do get.
Very well, then,—as to items: I have torn up 400 pages of MS, but I’ve still got about 900 which need no tearing. They suit me very well. So the book is half finished. If anybody will tell me how long it will take me to write the other 900 in a way s which shall satisfy me, I shall be under many obligations to him. I know one thing,—I shall fool away kn no time—I want to get through.
I have found my lost Swiss note-book.
I shall make from 10 to 20 illustrations for my book with my own (almighty rude & crude) pencil, & shall say in the title page, that some of the pictures in the book are from original drawings by the author. I have already made two or three which suit me. It gives me the [belly-ache] to look at them.
When the MS is done, I shall ship it right along, without copying, & run the risk.
I can’t venture to ship any of it yet, for I may want to alter the first part in several important particulars.
Love to you all, Joe.
That’s all. Now as to you Joe, I’m going to write you presently.
We thought our youngest child was dying, three days ago, but she is doing pretty well, now.
Yrs Ever
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTLP, 110–11.
Provenance:Twichell’s papers were passed on to his children. Although CtY received some items in 1951
from Joseph H. Twichell and Mrs. Charles Ives, his son and daughter, the main collection was donated in 1967 by
Charles P. Twichell, his grandson.
Emendations and textual notes:
belly-ache • belly-|ache