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Add to My Citations To Chatto and Windus
29 May 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: UkReU, UCCL 01623)
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hartford conn. may 29th. 1882.


your note for fifteen hundred and nineteen pounds and one shilling is received, for which please accept my thanks and assurances that this result is eminently satisfactory.

your suggestion with regard to the manner of stimulating the demand for “the prince and pauper” seems wise and reasonable.

i have been gone six weeks down the mississippi river, but if i had been at home when your letter arrived, there would still not have been time to get additional matter to you for the sketch book though i have a sufficiency of it on hand. leaving out the excursion papers you will still have enough matter for the shilling book at any rate, but i suppose it is too late now to attempt anything bigger as we are proposing to publish about the first of june. i wish osgood had thought to send you the batch of sketches which he was not able to find room for.

truly yours,

s. l. clemens.

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MS, typewritten, from dictation, UkReU.

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MicroPUL, reel 2.


The archives of Chatto and Windus have been on deposit at UkReU since the late 1970s and early 1980s and make up a part of its collection of Records of British Publishing and Printing. Chatto and Windus was purchased by the Random House Group in 1987.