Heidelberg, July 13 2.
Dear Frank—
Yours of June 28th arrived last night, making the trip in the usual time, 14 days. If I were to send you the power of attorney now, you would receive it July 27—ten days too late. I am very sorry you didn’t start it a couple of weeks earlier. I hope things went satisfactorily & that your father remains in his place. I should have voted for him, of course.
As I wrote you, a week or so ago, I am making fair progress, but of course it isn’t great progress, because it costs me more days to get material than to write it up. I have written 400 pages of MS—that is to say, 4,000 about ‸45 or‸ 50,000 words, or one-fourth of a book, but it is in disconnected form & cannot be used [until] joined together by the writing of at least a dozen intermediate chapters. These intermediate chapters cannot be rightly written until we are settled down for the fall & winter in Munich.
I have been gathering a lot of excellent matter here during the past ten days (stuff which has never been in a book) & shall finish gathering it in a week more. Then we shall leave, & be on the wing for 2 months, during which time I shall not be able to write more than 200 or possibly 300 pages, perhaps. Can’t tell, yet. I shall be mostly on foot, with Twichell, the first 5 or 6 weeks, & shall write up in full every night if not too tired.
If you should need to write me in the meantime, direct to Heidelberg, care Koester & Co, Bankers, & I will ask them to forward it.
Ys Truly
S L C.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:Anderson Galleries catalog, 25–26 January 1917, no. 1270, lot 90, partial publication; Sotheby’s catalog, 29
October 1986, no. 5504, lot 37, partial publication and facsimile; MTLP, 107–8.
Provenance:The MS was offered for sale by Anderson Galleries in 1917 and by Sotheby’s in 1986 on behalf of the Harper family. It was
in the collection of John L. Feldman by 1987 and later bought by CLjC.
Emendations and textual notes:
until • unt until [corrected miswriting]