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Add to My CitationsTo Jane Lampton Clemens and Pamela A. Moffett
7 April 1878 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS: NPV; transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK;
and MTL, 1:325–27, UCCL 01553)
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Apl. 7./78

My Dear Mother—I have told Livy all about Annie’s beautiful house, & about Sam & Charley y, & about Charley’s ingenious manufactures & his strong manhood & good promise, & how glad I am that he & Annie married. And I have told her about Alice & her blue eyes, & about Annie’s excellent [ housekeeping], & also about the great Bacon conflict; (I told you it was a hundred to one that neither Livy nor the European powers had heard of that desolating struggle.) And I have told you her how beautiful you are in your age & how bright your mind is with its old-time brightness, & how she & the children would enjoy you. And I have told her how singularly young p Pamela is looking, & what a fine large fellow Sam is, & how ill the lingering syllable “my” to his name fits his port & figure.

Well, Pamela, after thinking it over for a day or so, I came near inquiring about a state-room in our ship for Sam, to please you, but my wiser former resolution came back to me. It is not for his good that he have [ friends] in the ship. His conduct in the Bacon business shows that he will develop rapidly into a manly man as soon as he is cast loose from your apron strings.

You don’t teach him to push ahead [& do & dare] things for himself, but you do just the reverse. You are assisted in your damaging work by the tyrannous ways of a village—villagers watch each other [&] so make cowards of each other. After Sam shall have voyaged to Europe by himself, [&] rubbed against the world [& taken & returned] its cuffs, do you think he will hesitate to escort a guest into any whisky-mill in Fredonia when he himself has no sinful business to transact there? No, he will smile at the idea. If he [avoids] this courtesy now from principle, of course I find no fault with it at all—only if he thinks it is principle he may be mistaken; a close examination may show it is only a bowing to the tyranny of public opinion.

[I] only say it may—I cannot venture to say it will. Hartford is not a large place, but it is broader than to have ways of that sort. Three or four weeks ago, at a Moody [&] [Sankey] meeting, the preacher read a letter from somebody “exposing” the fact that a prominent clergyman had gone from one of those meetings, bought a bottle of lager beer [&] drank it on the premises (a drug store.) [A] tempest of indignation swept the town.

[Our] clergymen [&] everybody else said the “culprit” had not only done an innocent thing, but had done it in an open, manly way, [&] it was [nobody’s] right or business to find fault with it. Perhaps this dangerous latitude comes of the fact that we never have any temperance “rot” going on in Hartford.

I find here a letter from Orion, submitting some new matter in his story for criticism. When [you] write him, please tell him to do the best he can [&] bang away. I can do nothing further in [this] matter, for I have but 3 days left in which to settle a deal of important business [&] answer a bushel [&] a half of letters. I am very nearly tired to death.

I was so jaded [&] worn, at the Taylor dinner, that I found I could not remember 3 sentences of the speech I had memorized, [&] therefore got up [&] said so [&] excused myself from speaking. I arrived here at 3 [o’clock] this [morning.] I think the next 3 days will finish me. The idea of [sitting] down to a job of literary criticism is simply ludicrous.

A young lady passenger in our ship has been placed under Livy’s [charge.] Livy couldn’t easily get out of it, [&] did not want to, on her own account, but fully expected I would make trouble when I heard of [it, but I] [didn’t.] A girl can’t well travel alone, so I offered no objection. She leaves us at Hamburg. So I’ve got 6 people in my care, now—which is just 6 too many for a man of my unexecutive capacity. I expect nothing else but to lose some of them overboard.

We send our loving good-byes to all the [household] & hope to see you again after a [spell.]

Affly Yrs.


Textual Commentary

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
No copy-text. The text is based on a partial MS and two transcripts: a typed transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine (Tr) and published transcript in MTL (P). A copy of Tr, with readings corrected from the MS and additional editorial changes by Paine, may have served as printer’s copy for Pr.
MSJean Webster McKinney Papers, Special Collections, NPV ‘Apl. 7. . . . for a day’
TrTranscript by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK ‘or so, . . . Sam.’
P MTL, 1:325–27 ‘or so, . . . Sam.’

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphFor the MS, see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance; for the transcript, see Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.

glyphglyphEmendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:glyph

housekeeping (MTP) • house-|keeping (MS)

friends (P) • friend (Tr)

& do & dare (Tr) • and do and dare (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& taken & returned (Tr) • and taken and returned (P)

avoids (P) • avoid (Tr)

[¶] I (P) • [flush left] I (Tr)

& (Tr) • and (P)

Sankey (P) • Sanky (Tr)

& (Tr) • and (P)

[no ¶] A (Tr) • [¶] A (P)

[¶] Our (Tr) • [no ¶] Our (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

nobody’s (P) • no-body’s (Tr)

you (MTP) • You (Tr, P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

this (P) • his (Tr)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

& (Tr) • and (P)

o’clock (P) • oclock (Tr)

morning. (P) • morning (Tr)

sitting (P) • setting (Tr)

charge. (P) • charge (Tr)

& (Tr) • and (P)

it, but I (Tr) • it. But I (P)

didn’t. (P) • didn’t (Tr)

household (P) • house-hold (Tr)

spell. (P) • spell—. (Tr)

Sam. (Tr) • Sam. (P)