Jan. 22. ‸21.‸
My Dear Conway:
All right. I have written the Atlantic people to send to Chatto the magazines containing the Mississippi articles, ; to-day & also an article entitled “A Literary Nightmare.” To-day I will send him two other Atlantics, containing my “Tale of a Tramp” [inserted in pencil:] ‸a Canvasser”‸ and “Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut.” I will also ship to him the to-day the proofs of a story which is to appear in the March No of Atlantic, & which Chatto can also put into one of his magazines & also into the new book (or books.)
I am also writing the Routledges that you have sole power over there to make book contracts for me, & that when I last heard from you you were contemplating the issue of the Bermuda & [Missippi] articles. ‸That is all I said to them.‸
Yrs Ever
P. S. No, I added, “Whatever arrangement C. makes will be satisfactory to me.”