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Add to My CitationsTo Thomas Bailey Aldrich
28 January 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, postal card, in pencil: Craven, UCCL 01303)
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Hartford 28

I’m perfectly delighted! I would rather have captured you than any man I know. I have been in the doctor’s hands for 2 months, but your confession has brought me around again, my boy!1

Ys Ever



us postal card.
write the address on this side—the message on the other

Thos. Bailey Aldrich, Esq



[postmarked:] [hartford] conn. [jan 31 12m]

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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The letter from Aldrich that Clemens answered is now lost. Aldrich's capture and confession may have been part of his response to Clemens's “Literary Nightmare” (see 28 Jan 1876 to Miss Higgins (UCCL 06254) , n. 1).

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MS, postal card, in pencil, collection of Robin Craven.

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Christie’s catalog, sale of 10 December 1999, lot 148; MicroPUL, reel 1.


The postcard, part of the collection of Sidney L. Krauss, was inherited by his daughter, Mrs. Robin Craven, and it was later offered for sale by Christie’s on 10 December 1999 as a lot in the Sidney L. Krauss collection.

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hartfordhar[tf]ord [badly inked]

jan 31 12mjan [3]1 [1]2m [badly inked]