24 February 1879 • Munich, Germany
(Transcripts by Albert Bigelow Paine:
CU-MARK, UCCL 01292)
Dear old Joe—
It was a mighty good letter, Joe—& that idea of yours of [sending newspaper slips] is a rattling good one. But I have not sot down here to answer your letter,—for it is down at my study,—but only to impart some information.
For 2 months I had not shaved without crying. I’d spend ¾ of an hour whetting away on my hand—no use, couldn’t get an edge. Tried a razor strop—same result. So I sat down & put in an hour thinking out the [mystery]. Then it seemed plain—[to-wit]: my hand can’t give [a razor] an [edge, it can only smooth & refine an edge] that has already been given. I [judged] that a razor fresh from the hone is this shape V—the long point being the [continuation] of the edge—[& after] much use the shape is [thus] v—[attenuated] edge all worn off & gone. By George I [ knew ] that was the explanation. And I knew that a freshly honed & freshly [stropped] razor won’t cut, but after [stropping] on the hand as a final operation, it will [cut.] So I sent out for an oil-stone; none to be had, but messenger brought back a little piece of rock the size of a [Safety match] box—(it was bought in a [shoe-maker’s] shop) bad flaw in middle of it, too,—but I put 4 drops of fine Olive oil on it, picked out the razor marked “Thursday” because it was never any account & would be no loss if I [spoiled] it—gave it a brisk & reckless honing for [ten] minutes, then tried it on a hair—it wouldn’t cut. Then I trotted it through a [vigorous] [ten minute] course on a [razor strop] & tried it on a hair—it wouldn’t cut—[tried] on my face—it made me cry—gave it a [five minutes’] stropping on my hand, & my land, what an edge she had! We thought we knew what sharp razors were when we were tramping in [Switzerland], but it was a mistake—[they] were dull beside this old Thursday razor of [mine which] I mean to name [Thursday] October [Christian] in [gratitude]. I took my [whetstone], & in 20 minutes I [put] two more of my razors in [superb] condition—but I leave them in the box—I never use any but Thursday [O. C.] & shan’t till its edge is gone—& then I’ll know how to restore it without any delay.
Everybody well but the children & Livy, though [Clara S.] & Rosa are ailing slightly & I have a cold in the [head & a sore leg.] We all go to Paris next Thursday—address, Monroe & [Co.], Bankers.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Tr1 | Transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK |
Tr2 | Transcript by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK |
Previous publication:
MTL, 1:357–58; Paine 1917, 794.
Provenance:See Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.
Emendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:
Munich, Feb. 24. (MTP) • Munich, Feb. 24. (79) (Tr1, Tr2)
sending newspaper slips (Tr1) • sendinf newspaper slips (Tr2)
mystery (Tr2) • mistery (Tr1)
to-wit (Tr1) • to wit (Tr2)
a razor (Tr2) • arazor (Tr1)
edge, it can only smooth & refine an edge (Tr2) • [nine words not in] (Tr1)
judged (Tr1) • judge (Tr2)
continuation (Tr2) • contineration (Tr1)
& after (Tr1) • & that after (Tr2)
thus (Tr1) • this (Tr2)
attenuated (Tr1) • the attenuated (Tr2)
knew (Tr2) • knew (Tr1)
stropped (Tr1) • strapped (Tr2)
stropping (Tr1) • strapping (Tr2)
cut. (MTP) • cut.— [probably an end-line dash in the MS] (Tr1, Tr2)
Safety match (Tr1) • Safety-match (Tr2)
shoe-maker’s (Tr2) • shoe-makers (Tr1)
spoiled (Tr2) • spoildd (Tr1)
ten (Tr1) • 10 (Tr2)
vigorous (Tr2) • vigerous (Tr1)
ten minute (Tr1) • 10-minute (Tr2)
razor strop (Tr1) • razor-strop (Tr2)
tried (Tr1) • tried it (Tr2)
five minutes’ (MTP) • five minutes (Tr1); 5-minute (Tr2)
Switzerland (Tr2) • Switerland (Tr1)
they (Tr2) • the (Tr1)
mine which (Tr1) • mine—which (Tr2)
Thursday (Tr2) • THursday (Tr1)
Christian (Tr2) • Christain (Tr1)
gratitude (Tr2) • gartitude (Tr1)
whetstone (Tr2) • whet-|stone (Tr1)
put (Tr1) • pit (Tr2)
superb (MTP) • soperb (Tr1); splendid (Tr2)
O. C. (MTP) • O.C. (Tr1); O. C., (Tr2)
Clara S. (Tr2) • Clara S (Tr1)
head & a sore leg. (Tr2) • hdad & a sore leg. (Tr1)
Co. (Tr2) • Co (Tr1)
Ys Ever (Tr2) • Yr Ever (Tr1)