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6 July 1875 • Hartford, Conn.
(Henkels 1932, lot 281, UCCL 01248)
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[Hartford, July 6th. 1875.]

Gentlemen: Who can I buy your safety matches of in Hartford? I cannot find any agency.1

{. . . .}

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 The first safety matches, patented in Sweden in 1855, were developed to correct two problems associated with phosphorus friction matches, in common use since 1836: spontaneous combustion, and necrosis of the jawbone among factory workers exposed to phosphorus fumes. By 1875, several kinds of safety matches were available, all of which required a special striking surface for ignition and were made without phosphorus, or with a nontoxic form of it. Two of the most well-known brands were the American Safety Parlor Match, made in Erie, Pennsylvania, and the Hendrickson and Leigh Safety Match, made in Trenton, New Jersey. Because these products often created a dangerous explosion of sparks, and were easily damaged by moisture, toxic phosphorus matches remained in wide use until 1911 (Manchester, 35–36, 46–47, 57–58, 71–75).

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
Henkels 1932, lot 281, which describes the letter as an “A. L. S. 4 lines, 12mo.”

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L6, 507; Rains, lot 153, paraphrase.

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Hartford, July 6th. 1875. • Hartford, July 6th. 1875. [reported, not quoted]