‸ Let Mr. [about eight words canceled] with a paper signed by more than twenty authors. I don’t know (It was about the Switzerland matter.)‸
Friday, AM.
My Dear Howells:
Been reading Oaut of the ? aloud to the family & have just finished it. All hands bewitched with it. It is wonderful pic dialogue. It didn’t seem wonderful (for you) when you read it to me. I think you have a gift or faculty of disguising the merit of your productions when you read them aloud. I know it, in fact. The Parlor Car was as much as 25 times better, in print, than it was when you read it to me.1
My lawsuit is done. The villain got only $300 out of me instead of $10,000, & the his lawyer got that. My lawyer’s bill & some little items, added to the $300 only swelled my expense to $800—so I got off admirably well.2
I began Orion’s autobiography yesterday & am charmed with the work. I have started him at 18, printer’s apprentice, soft & sappy, full of fine intentions & shifting religions & not aware that he is a shining ass. Like Tom Sawyer he will stop where I start him, no doubt—20, 21 or along there; can’t tell; am driving along without plot, plan, or purpose—& enjoying it.3
I had such a good time at your house, but with a biting conscience all the time for stopping your wheels.
Yrs Ever
All we Clemenses send warmest regards to all you Howellses.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTHL, 1:173.
See Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.