Hartford, 15th,
My Dear Howells:
I am very glad you like it; & glad, too, that there wasn’t any [profanity ]in it, since you read it to Mrs. Howells; though I have noticed that a little judicious profanity helps out an otherwise ineffectual sketch or poem remarkably.1 I attribute the feebleness of many of Tupper’s noblest efforts to the lack of this element.2
You said once that you wanted a snapper put on to the end of this No. 3, but I judge you have concluded to leave it as it is—which is doubtless best, for it is already plenty long enough.3
Upon second thought, it is too much trouble to make a whole lot of corrections over again in the duplicate proof in order to “simultane” with Temple Bar, & so I’m not going to do it. I a have already broken my promise twice to Mr. Bentley, & the penall ty for a third infraction cannot increase my calamities much hereafter, & besides it may chance to be wholly overlooked amid the multitude of my sins. So you needn’t bother about sending me the duplicate proofs.4
Susie is croupy, but [today ]we believe it isn’t going to be serious.
Ys Ever
P. S. I mail you, either in this or another envelop, No. 4—which I have just added a snapper to it. True story, too.5
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Clemens had earlier expunged some profanity from the second installment (see 14 Dec 74 to Howells). The correction of Howells’s date, in black ink (Howells used
purple), may have been by Clemens.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 350–51; MTHL, 1:59–60.
Provenance:see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
profanity • [possibly ‘g profanity’]
today • to-|day