Jan. 8.
I have been reading your pleasant article about my pet detestation, Rabelais, & my delightful old random encycalopedia, Montaigne, & v my very distant acquaintance, Beranger. I think I must get the book you are writing about, for it se doubtless separates & points out some excellencies in Rabelais which even I might see. Do you know, I have often had more than half a mind to go over & dig up Rabelais & throw his bones away?1
When I began this note I thought I was going to Boston for a week with my wife, & wanted to ask you to call at Parker’s; but just at this moment my mother has telegraphed that she is coming to visit us,2 & so I judge Parker’s Hotel has been offending Providence in some way & this is the initial step toward undermining its custom & compassing its ultimate destruction. I have often noticed that as a general thing when Providence sets out to deliver retribution upon a certain man, the plans of a lot of “instruments” are u knocked galley-west who haven’t been doing anything. I have lost just about half my time, since I was born, acting as an instrument. And in about nine cases out of ten it was to fetch retributions upon parties whose fate I was not even insterested in—often, in fact, parties whom I was not even acquainted with. Like this Parker, for instance. I do not know Parker. I am not personally concerned about Parker. I do not wish to seem to complain, but still I think there might have been other ways of getting ahead of Parker without going about it in this ornate & elaborate fashion.
However, mother is coming, & I would rather have that than go to Boston. {But try to keep this dark in your prayers, for I would not seem to be enjoying what may have been merculifully intended as an inconvenience to me. I try to be humble & accept with grace whatever is ordained for me, & so I would not seem to be hollering before I am out of the woods.}
Meantime, what did you & Bliss do? I never go down town, never see Bliss, & so I am wholly uninformed as to the matter.3
I was at the t Atlantic dinner, but left in the morning, else I should have done myself the pleasure [to ]call upon you.4
Yrs Truly
Mrs. L. C. Moulton
25 Rutland Square
Or Care James
36 Bromfield st.5
[return address:] [If not delivered ]within 5 days, return to S. L. Clemens, Hartford.
[postmarked:] hartford ct. jan 9 12m
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 343–345; After Moulton’s death in 1908, her
daughter gave the “bulk of her correspondence,”
comprising autograph letters from a great many distinguished persons, to
DLC (Whiting, 292–93).
Emendations and textual notes:
J • [doubtful; possibly ‘M’]
to • [‘t’ not crossed]
Clemens. • Clemens[] [torn]
If not delivered • [If ] [cut away]