Dear Sir — The other charge ‸(see 4th column on this page)‸ is playful,2 but I’m not sure that the author of this “boy’s journal” hadn’t been reading page 637 of the “Innocents Abroad,” at some time or other. 3 But the truth is, a deliberate plagiarism is seldom made by any person who is not an ass; but unconscious & blameless plagiarisms are made by the best of people every day: Considering the fact that billions of people have been thinking & writing every day for 5 or 6,000 years, I wonder that any man of the present day ‸ ever ‸ [ dares to ] consider a thought original with himself.4
Very Truly Yrs
Mark Twain.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
had been trained as a lawyer; but he was widely read and had a flair for literary criticism, a studious
habit, and tremendous industry. The World was his personal organ, but such were his versatility,
breadth of interests, and voracity that it became a fairly well-rounded literary paper. ... [Crocker’s]
reviews, though “friendly” as a rule, were apparently honest and fairly discriminating. The World was informative, conservative, and inclined to dullness. Crocker’s health declined in 1876, and in the following year he became hopelessly insane; he
died in a hospital in 1878. (Mott 1957, 454–56) Crocker, who was not personally acquainted with Clemens, had written a negative review in April 1871 of Mark
Twain’s (Burlesque) Autobiography and First Romance, which Clemens had almost certainly read (Crocker 1871; see L4, 381 n. 1).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 232–233.
Provenance:The MS was formerly laid in a first edition copy of The Innocents Abroad (American Publishing Company, 1869) owned by Owen F. Aldis (1852–1925), who donated
his collection of American literature to CtY in 1911 (Cannon, 180).
Emendations and textual notes:
dares to • darest to [false start]