Dear Lee—
Can’t. I am in the family way with 3 weeks undigested dinners in my system, & [ j ] shall just roost here & diet & purge till I am delivered. Shall I name it after you?
Yr friend
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Dam John Camden Hotten.1
post card
the address only to be written on this side.
Henry Lee, Esq
43 Holland street
Blackfriars Road
London, S.E.
[postmarked:] london[ 3 oc25] 72 5Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 198.
Provenance:The MS was at one time in the autograph collection of Dr. Max Thorek of
Chicago. It was later acquired by Clifton Waller Barrett, who deposited it
at ViU on 15 May 1962.
Emendations and textual notes:
j • [partly formed]
3 oc25 • [] 3 oc2[5] [badly inked]