Dan Slotes, 20th PM.1
Livy darling, my hands are still full of business, but I have a few minutes respite just now. It just occurs to me—how could you sleep on the shelf they call a berth, in a steamer? The thing is impossible. You would prefer your [bath-tub] at home, with a newspaper under you to soften it. I have been to the bank & bought exchange on London, & have reserved a handful of British gold for emergencies between here & the banking house in London. I enclose triplicate No. 2 & will give Charley No. 3, & carry No. 1 with me.2 Preserve yours—it is to protect me in case I lose No. 1. I have bought a hat, & some books & other traps. I go aboard the ship at noon [tomorrow]. Presently I am going out to dine with John Hay, & the Harper’s Drawer man & Will M. Carleton the [bal] farm-ballad writer.3 Bret Harte talks of going to Saybrook for a week. With ever so much love, my darling.
Y Samℓ.
[on the back:]
Pay Samℓ L. Clemens
—or order
E. Zeidler
Room 15. | Mrs. S. L. Clemens— | Fenwick Hall | Saybrook | Conn. [postmarked:] new york aug 20 6 pm
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 149–51; LLMT, 363, brief paraphrase of letter only; Davis 1977, 2, and Davis 1987, 4, letter only; Christie 1991, lot 187, excerpt
from letter.
Provenance:The letter MS, part of the Samossoud Collection in the late 1940s when it was transcribed by Dixon Wecter, was acquired by
Chester L. Davis, Sr., from Clara Clemens Samossoud between 1949 and 1962 (see Samossoud Collection in Description of
Provenance). After Davis’s death in 1987, the letter MS was owned by Chester L. Davis, Jr., who sold it through
Christie’s in December 1991. For the enclosure see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
bath-tub • bath-|tub
tomorrow • to-|morrow
bal • [‘l’ partly formed]