Hartford Apl. 25.
Dear Sirs: It is too bad. I can’t see how the mistake could have occurred. If you or Mr. Conway ever wrote Bliss about electros & date of issue, he did not get your letters. I naturally supposed that at least the date of issue had been agreed on, on both sides of the water. I received your unillustrated edition yesterday; it is very handsome, & the proofs were we‸ll‸ re read. I told Bliss, the other day, to go right to work making pictures for you, & inform you by cable.
Truly Yrs
S. L. Clemens
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:The archives of Chatto and Windus have been on deposit at UkReU since
the late 1970s and early 1980s and make up a part of its collection of Records of British Publishing and Printing. Chatto and
Windus was purchased by the Random House Group in 1987.