Fair Banks,1
May 9.
My Dear Daughter:
Your [grandmother ] Fairbanks joins your mother & me in much great love to yourself & your brother Langdon.
We are enjoying our stay here to [an ]extent not expressible save in words of syllables beyond your strength. Part of our enjoyment is derived from sleeping tranquilly right along, the same & never listening to see if you are snufflin have got the snuffles afresh or the grand duke up stairs has wakened & wants a wet rag. And yet no doubt you, both of you, prospered just as well all night long as if you had had your father & mother’s usual anxious supervision. Many’s the night I’ve lain awake till 2 oclock in the morning reading Dumas & drinking beer, listening for the slightest sound you might make, my daughter, & suffering as only a father can suffer, with anxiety for his off child. ‸Some day you will thank me for this.‸
Well, good bye to you & to all the loving ones who are trying to supply the paternal [place. My ] child, be virtuous & you will be happy,2
Yr father
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 85–86.
Provenance:donated to CtHMTH in 1962 or 1963 by Ida
Emendations and textual notes:
grandmother • grand-|mother
an • an | an
place. My • place.— | My