Elmira, July 23.
Dear Will:
I have been offered [ $5 $150] a night to talk 30 consecutive nights in Missouri & Kansas, but declined, partly because it was not enough & partly because I don’t like so much railroad travel. I may talk in St Louis if my agents have already made a contract to that effect, but I hope they have not; for I have concluded to go no further west than Cleveland. Eastern railroading is easier & wages higher in the east than ‸in‸ the west. I am not particularly particular, but every man’s duty is to keep up the prices of his s trade, & so I would not like to talk in as large a place as St Louis for less than $250. The other lecturers have never yet had to accuse me of cutting down the wages. I only want to talk 3 months & a half, & so, I think the east better suited to a short season than a long one. I mean to talk ten months on a stretch if I ever start again—which I do hope I never shall.1
The legislature that gave you a franchise permitting any such By-Law as the one you mention, was an ass.2
Good! Let us know, see you in Sept.3
My wife is well, but the baby is seriously ill.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 438.
Provenance:The MS was evidently owned at least until 1921 by Dora C. Bowen, William
Bowen’s second wife (signed statement dated 16 Oct 1921, ViU). It was deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17
December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
$5 $150 • $5150 [ ‘5’ partly formed]