Elmira, July 10.
Dear Redpath:
A more careful reading of your late letter has set me thinking, & I do plainly see in that [Southend] business calamity for my lecture season. I never made a success of a lecture delivered in a church yet. People are afraid to laugh in a church. They can’t be made to do it, in any possible way. And Lord knows it wasn’t “business” to [ pav ] start me in my most important city in an obscure course, & that, too, in a church. What could you have been thinking about? Seems to me that an agent would feel the importance of a first-rate start for his [ clin ] client—is that correct?
Hang it, if the Southend business looks more & more fatal, the more I think of it. We must get rid of it, even if I have to write the proposed letter—which is a heavy pill to take, there is no question about that. Can’t you fix it some way, so as to get me liberated without prejudice? I certainly haven nothing against that society, but to talk elsewhere than in Music Hall & in a big course may ruin me. But if n everything else fails, present the letter & let the heavens fall.
Read over the enclosed, & if you want it altered, return it & state the alterations.1
[letter docketed:] boston lyceum bureau, redpath & fall. jul 15 1871 [and] Twain Mark | Elmira 7/10 ’71
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 434–434; excerpts in Will M. Clemens 1900, 28; MTL, 1:189; Horner, 167; “Letters to James Redpath,”
Mark Twain Quarterly 5 (Winter–Spring
1942): 20; Chester L. Davis 1978, 3. All excerpts include a last line which
does not appear in the MS and which is evidently taken from a letter of 13
February 1872 to Redpath: “Success to Fall’s carbuncle
and many happy returns.”
Provenance:deposited in DLC by Roy J. Friedman in 1993.
Emendations and textual notes:
Southend • South-|end
pav • [possibly ‘pay’; ‘y’ partly formed]
clin client • clinent