Elmira, July 10.
Dear F Redpath:
Excuse my delay. Your long [letter ] about routes, engagements, &c, received. I will reply at the earliest leisure hour.
You know I never interfere with my agents after once giving them my instructions in detail, & my notions about business. But I must put down my foot on that Boston business. I expected to speak in Music Hall (Fall promised I should), & I must speak there first if I am to speak in Boston at all. It might seriously hurt my season to be called to open elsewhere in the chief city of New England, & I fear to run such a risk.1
Now you must arrange this in some way. I am cheerfully willing to speak for the South End course second, but not first. I am looking at the matter purely from a business point of view, & wholly without [prejudice ] toward the South End. Mr. Dana’s acquaintance with the lecture [ w ] business wh will easily enable him to understand my position. If he will take the second delivery, I will lec knock $200 off my price & lecture for the South End for $50.2
I am sorry to interfere, but this should be fixed at [once. Don’t ] Nasby, Phillips,3 Dickinson, & others speak more than once.?
Mark Twain.
[letter docketed:] boston lyceum bureau. redpath & fall. jul 15 1871 [and] Twain Mark | Elmira July 10
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 432–433.
Provenance:deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
letter • ltetter
prejudice • prejujdice
w • [partly formed]
once. Don’t • once.—|Don’t