Buffalo, Jan. 28.
W. McKinstry, Esq
Dear Sir:
I thank you very much indeed for your kind invitation to attend the celebration of an event which, in this country (yes, in any country,) is so unusual as to well deserve to be termed remarkable—& that, too, with emphasis,—the [ fifth fiftieth ]birth-day of a newspaper! We are accustomed to contemplate the sixty-six the seventy years of the New York Evening Post & the one hundred & six years of the Hart Connecticut Courant with a sort of awe-inspired veneration—& here you come startling us with a half-century veteran reared in a western village! I doff my hat to the hale patriarch, & record the hope that the Fredonia Censeor may still be hale at a hundred & fifty!1
Sincerely regretting my inability to be present f at the dinner, I am
Ys Truly
Mark Twain.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 321–322; “From Mark Twain,”
Fredonia Censor, 8 Feb 71, 1.
Provenance:deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
fifth fiftieth • fif‸tie‸th fiftieth