25 January 1871 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: CtHSD, UCCL 00564)
Buffalo Jan 25th 1871
Allice dear
You were so very good to write me again when I have been so remiss about writing you—but you must know that I have had very much to keep me from writing— 1
I often feel since Father left us, that he was my back bone, that what energy I had came from him, that he was the moving spring— It seems to me that all who have lived by the side of so noble and self sustained a life as his was must feel so—and you know how he carried us all along, by his strength and cheer— Truly a great light went out of our home— Father used to speak often of you during his sickness—particularly of the letter to him, in which you spoke of his being your [babies ]Grandfather, he wanted me to answer that letter and tell you that he should have written himself if he had been able— 2
I dread very much my first visit at home— I know that I shall realize more than I possibly can away from there that Father has left us never to return any more—
The picture of baby and Mother which you sent me was so very sweet and prettie. I do [pris prize ]it very highly— 3
Shall I explain to you how I come to be writing you with a pencil? I am at this present time seated in a private room of the General Hospital in Buffalo— I with my baby near me— I had not food enough for the little one, we tried feeding him but that did not do at all, so we were obliged to look for a wet nurse— At last we found one here at the Hospital, she is a nice person and is well reccommended—she is not yet able to be moved, so every day, baby, nurse, and I come up here and spend the day returning home at night—
It is about the forlornest place that ever you saw, but you know [we ]can do almost anything for the dear little ones—
I have had a great aversion always to wet nurses, but all told me that I could not nurish him myself, and the Dr. said that it would be very unsafe for me to ‸let him‸ go into the Summer on the bottle— So after much battleing I yielded— 4
How delighted I shall be when we can bring our two little one[s] together, and exhibit shall we not both be proud Mothers—
Sue is not with me now— Mother was with [t]me for about two months, but she has now returned home,5 so Mr Clemens baby and I are alone again, our lives are very quiet happy lives, even in spited of the great sorrow that is almost constantly present to us—
I did hope to study some this Winter and I may possibly still, but I find hands and heart so full that I seem to have little leisure— Are you studying any?— 6
Mr Clemens and I read with a great deal of pleasure Mr Warners book— I came very near writing Mrs Warner and telling her of the two or three exceeding‸ly‸ pleasant evenings that the book gave us— 7
Write me again and tell me more== I was so very sorry‸much disapointed‸ that I was not able to have your Mother 8 make her intended visit to me— Will she not be coming this way again before very long?— Can
I am so very sorry for Mary— It seems too bad that all her exquisite little things are gone— I can hardly believe it—her home was so full of exqu delicate, dainty bits, of all kinds— 9 Give my love to her please, and tell her that if it were possible I would wish her a home that should seem twice as [car charming, ]and twice as much like some [fairy ]palace—
Can you realize that dear Emma Nye has gone from us? I feel often, in thinking of both Father and Emma, as if I would write them of this and that—
I hope that you will come to me with Husband and baby next Spring—can you not?—
I must not write more— I wish you could see my baby— I consider him such a sweet little baby‸boy‸—
With kind regards to Mr Day, and a loving kiss for little Alice 10 I am as always your loving friend
The very first time I get a chance, I am coming to Hartford to beg Mrs. Hooker’s pardon for sending her such an absurdly curt dispatch—for I did not want to send such a message to her. The hurry was very great—not a single instant to spare—& so I started the messenger off with a telegram of a single sentence when I could have been much politer if I had had another half minute to write more in.11
Yr friend
Samℓ. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 311–314.
Emendations and textual notes:
babies • babies babies [corrected miswriting]
pris prize • prisze
we • we we [corrected miswriting]
t • [partly formed; possibly ‘b’]
car charming • carharming
fairy • [possibly ‘faiery’]
Clemens • [‘s’ over miswritten ‘ns’]