Buffalo, Jan. 24.
Dear Sir:
It isn’t any hardship to receive a letter like yours, nor to write & say thank you, & right cordially, too, for it.1
I know that Tifft House—& I never could understand why they make such invidious distinctions & show such a mean partiality, these Buffalo people, in always callin referring to that place out yonder in the extreme edge of town as the poor-house, just as if the Tifft warn’t in existence.2
Yrs Sincerely
Mark Twain.
Explanatory Notes
(CU-MARK) Clemens noted on Sterling’s letter: Jan. 24, 1871. Received on a low spirited day, & preserved for the comfort it brought.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 309–10.
Provenance:Deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.