Buf. Jan 3.
Friend Bliss—
No, if this pamphlet1 pays, I want to is you to issue Jumping Frog illustrated, along with 2 other sketches for the holidays next year. I’ve paid high for the Frog & I want him to get his price back by himself. The Sketch Book will be good enough without him.2
Name the Sketch book “Mark Twain’s Sketches” & go on canvassing like mad. Because if you don’t hurry it will tread on the heels of the big book next August.3 In the course of a week I can have most of the matter ready for [ I ] you I think. ‸Am working like sin on it.‸
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 295; MTMF, 144 n. 1, brief excerpt; MTLP, 53.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance. A handwritten
transcription by Dana Ayer and a Brownell typescript are at WU (see Brownell
Collection in Description of Provenance).
Emendations and textual notes:
I • [partly formed]