Friend Bliss:
My man took my telegram down town asking for answer to my letter, & then brought your letter up from my office.1
It is all right. It is too late now to get out the annual. If I believed that writing for the Galaxy hurt the sale of [ th ]my books without anybody who didn’t make that excuse simply because they wanted an excuse of some kind, I would retire from the magazine to-morrow. But I cannot believe it. It is a good advertisement for me—as you show when you desire me to quit the Galaxy & go on your paper.2 But if I am hurting myself through the Galaxy, I want to know it—& then I will draw out of that & write for no periodical—for certainly I have chewed & drank & sworn, habitually, & have discarded them all, & am well aware that a bad thing should be killed entirely—tapering off is a foolish & dangerous business.3
A week or ten days ago I notified the Galaxy that my year would end with the April number, & although I hated to quit I might find it necessary, because the magazine interfered so much with other work & I half expected to lecture a little next year. I enclose the answer., just received.
Tell Frank to be prompt with his ac/4—my expenses have been as high as $600 & $700 a month, latterly, because of sickness & funerals, & I don’t allow my wife to help pay my bills.
office of the army and navy journal, 5
39 park row, new york.
Dear Twain:
The portrait is all right. I will give it to the engraver immediately.
We wont talk about your giving up at the end of the year. It is something not to be even thought of for a moment. 6
Truly Yours
F. P. Church.
[letter docketed:] [and] Mark Twain | Oct 26/70
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 212–14; Clemens’s letter only, Parke-Bernet
1940, lot 185, brief excerpt; Christie 1981, lot 54, excerpt; Neville,
item 449, excerpt.
Provenance:The present location of Clemens’s letter, owned from at least 1983 to 1989 by Axelrod, is not known; Church’s
letter was probably returned to Clemens by Bliss and remained in the Mark Twain Papers.
Emendations and textual notes:
25 26 • 256 [‘5’ partly formed]
th • [partly formed]