My Dear Sister—
I will come as soon as I can leave Livy—& will give you notice beforehand. My coming at this time would stop Livy’s progress; for whilst she sleeps but poorly now, she may be said to not sleep at all when I am away—even when she is well. If she went without sleep now that she is weak & suffering, it would be very bad for her, of course. I do hope Ma will get better fast, & get well—& I hope I may see her so when I come.
Livy & I send abundance of love to Ma & you, & all.
I wish you c would get all the gossip you can out of Mollie about Cousin [James Lampton ]& family, without her knowing it is I that want it. I want every little trifling detail, about how they look & dress, & what they say, & how the house is furnished—& the various ages & characters of the tribe. Mollie does up gossip mighty well. I have preserved the other letter she wrote you about that gang. I wish to write the whole thing up—but not publish it for a great many years. That is, if the story I write from it could be recognized by Jim or the family.2
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 184–185.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
James Lampton • [underscored in pencil on MS, probably by Pamela Moffett]