per Olivia L. Clemens
with revisions by Samuel L. Clemens
30 May 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: CtY-BR, UCCL 00473)
Buffalo May 30th 1870
Mr E.
Will you send a copy of the book to Mr A. D. Munson 187 Broadway N. Y. I will enclose an autograph to be put in it— He has been reading from the book and has been the means of selling 30 coppies of it, and his [copp copy] has become so [soiled] by parties handling it to find out how to get‸send for‸ a copy that he wants a new one—1
The scrap which I enclose about the Russian minister is ‸entirely‸ reliable—
About the dinner—I cannot go on to Hartford very well for the dinner and I have a plan which seems to me a good one, ‸Write a dinner invitation to me and‸ Let me write a speach [for the dinner and publish it, as a speach made at a dinner in honor of our having reached 70000 copies of the book—] ‸ in answer to an ‸a dinner‸ invitation from you, and you ‸ ‸and you publish it.‸ That will answer the same purpose as if we had a dinner, and I should have to send the speach to the dinner any way instead of going myself— What do you think of that plan?2
Yours Truly
Samℓ L. Clemens
Per O. L.
[enclosure:] 3
The Russian Minister is so pleased with |
[letter docketed:] [and] Mark Twain | May 30/70 | Author
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 146–147.
Provenance:The MS evidently remained among the American Publishing Company’s
files until it was sold (and may have been at that time copied by Dana Ayer;
see Brownell Collection in Description of Provenance). An Ayer handwritten
transcription and a typed transcription are at WU.
Emendations and textual notes:
copp copy • coppy
soiled • soiled | soiled [corrected miswriting]
for . . . book— • [canceled by SLC; deletion of dash implied]