to Theodore W. Crane
22 April 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: CtHMTH, UCCL 00458)
472, 22d, 6 PM
Brother Theodore—
I enclose you an official letter acknowledging rec’pt of check.1
All right—I will come down & break one of the horses alon while you break the other. But are you sure your plan is good? It looks feasible, but at the same time I cannot feel certain that it is the safest way. My custom heretofore, when I wanted to break a horse, was to do it with a rail. You cannot get hurt then—unless of course the horse bites you.
Start Mrs. Brown along just as soon as you please—we are ready to welcome her & make her entirely comfortable. (But don’t you suppose “Bell” will prefer to have his visit out with you, first, before he comes?—g Glad to have him, but don’t wish to [ infe interfere ] with you.}2
{[ Bett Between ]you & I,—for Livy would not like it to be known—she remarked awhile ago that she would “comb” those dressmakers if they sent any more messages to me. I don’t know what “combing” is, but that was the remark she made. ‸ It is entirely false, I hate to say so}—. ‸}
I hear that Mr. Bailey has been elected [superintendent ] of the Industrial School. Can that be true?3
We send our love to our Susie.
All well—& all happy.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 116–117.
Provenance:donated to CtHMTH in 1963 by Ida Langdon.
Emendations and textual notes:
infe interfere • infeterfere
Bett Between • Bettween
superintendent • [‘ri’ conflated]