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Add to My Citations To T. B. Pugh
21 December 1874 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: Daley, UCCL 00413)
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Hartford, Dec. 21.

My Dear Pugh:1

It is too far in the future—but I couldn’t go, anyway. I could not deliver a detached lecture without losing a thousand dollars by it. That is, when I am at work. I go to St Louis & New Orleans in February or March, & I do not know how long I shall be gone. It is a pleasure trip & no limitations. I am at work now, & I shall be at work when I get back;2 & under those circumstances if you offered me two thousand dollars to break in upon my work, go to Phila & talk & then lose ten days getting back into my working groove again, (which is always the case) I would be obliged to say there was no money in it, but simply an actual loss, instead, & I could not do it.

But you’ll have guns enough, & big enough ones, too, without my little artillery, & so in [ whis ] wishing you a big success & a dazzling exit, I am only prophecying—& that on a certainty, too.3

Ys Ever

S. L. Clemens

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 Thomas B. Pugh managed the Star Course of lectures in Philadelphia. Clemens had lectured for him in December 1869 and again in November 1871. On the latter occasion Pugh paid $250, one of Clemens’s highest fees (see 23 Feb 74 to Redpath [2nd], n. 1; L3, 415; L4, 134–35 n. 2).

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2 On The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

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3 The event Pugh was planning has not been identified. Although Clemens’s wording seems to suggest it was a retirement event, Pugh was in his fifteenth year of managing the Star Course when he died in 1884, at age 55 (L4, 239–40 n. 1).

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MS, collection of Robert Daley, seen at Sotheby’s, New York City, while awaiting sale (Sotheby 1993).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L6, 327–328; AAA/Anderson 1938, lot 57, excerpts; Parke-Bernet 1941, lot 104, excerpts; Sotheby 1993, lot 254, excerpts and paraphrase.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphWhen offered for sale in 1938 the MS was part of the collection of Alfred C. Meyer. Daley sold it in December 1993 to an unknown purchaser.

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whis[‘s’ partly formed]