My Dear Sister—
Yours of 10th is received. I know Mrs. Langdon wants you & Annie to get there several days before the wedding, because [their] might be little chance to visit, later. We have about persuaded her to give us a perfectly private wedding, but we can’t tell how it will be, yet. Livy has written delightedly to say you are likely to come. Her heart is thoroughly set upon it., & I don’t like to have the child disappointed.
Purchase no outfit. Come as you are.1
I examined my pocket a moment ago, to see if I had $500 to send to Ma, but I only found $300. I have been paying out a few more hundreds within a few days, & must work two or three days longer before I can forward the $500. But it shall be forthcoming.2
I am killed up with a cold, & shall not lecture [to-night]—so there goes a few weeks’ board.3
We No—we are not to be married in the evening, but about noon. Then if we must have a reception, that will take place in the evening. The idea of our starting on a bridal “trip,” is funny. Neither of us are fond of traveling, & you may be sure we shall not go a mile that we are not obliged to go.
We shall go to Buffalo the day after the marriage & never stir another peg till we are compelled to do it.
I cordially accept Annie’s & Sammy’s explanations—& there is good hard sense & candor enough in Sammy’s to compensate for fifty lost presents. I fully appreciate Annie’s, too, for if there is one thing I cordially hate more than another, it is the bore of selecting a present. I have already told Livy that I shall deliberately violate the [custom to giving] the bride a wedding present—& by a singleular coincidence I used both an [Annies & Sammy’s] reason’s in explanation of my conduct.4
I am sorry Ma’s health remains so bad—St Louis is not the climate to improve it, I am afraid.
In haste,
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 429–430.
Provenance:see Moffett Collection, pp. 586–87.
Emendations and textual notes:
d • [partly formed]
their • [sic]
to-night • to- |night
custom to giving • [sic]
Annies . . . reason’s • [sic]