9 November 1869 • Boston, Mass.
(Transcript made for Albert Bigelow Paine, MTL, 1:167–69, and Paine 1912, 946: CU-MARK, UCCL 00371)
[Three] or four letters just received from home. My first impulse was to send Orion a check on my publisher for the money he wants, but a sober second thought suggested that if he has not defrauded the government out of money, why [pay] simply because the government chooses to consider him in its debt? No. Right is right. The idea don’t suit me. Let him write the Treasury the state of the case, [&] tell them he has no money. If they make his sureties pay, then I will make the sureties whole, but I won’t pay a cent of any unjust claim. You talk of disgrace. To my mind it would be just as disgraceful to allow one’s self to be bullied into paying that which is unjust.1
Ma thinks it is hard that Orion’s share of the land should be swept away just as it is right on the point (as it always has been) of becoming valuable. Let her rest easy on that point. This [not letter] is his ample authority to sell my share of the land immediately [&] appropriate the proceeds—giving no account to me, but repaying the amount to Ma first, or in case of her death, to you or your heirs, whenever in the future he shall be able to do it. Now I want no hesitation in this matter. I renounce my ownership from this date, for this purpose, [provided] it is sold just as suddenly as he can sell it.
In the next place—Mr. Langdon is old, [&] is trying hard to withdraw from business [&] seek repose. I will not burden him with a purchase—but I will ask him to take full possession of a coal tract of the land without paying a cent, simply conditioning that he shall [throw mine] [&] throw the coal into market at his own cost, [&] pay to you [&] all of you what he thinks is a fair portion of the profits accruing—you can do as you please with the rest of the land. Therefore, send me (to Elmira,) information about the coal deposits so framed that he can comprehend the matter [&] can intelligently instruct and agent how to find it [&] go to work.2
[Your depressing letters catch me at a bad time]
[unknown amount of text missing]
[Tomorrow] night I appear for the first time before a Boston audience—4,000 critics—[&] on the success of this matter depends my future success in New England.3 But I am not distressed. Nasby is in the same boat. [Tonight] decides the fate of his [brand-new] lecture. He has just left my room—been reading his lecture to me—was greatly depressed. I have convinced him that he has little to fear.4
I get just about five hundred more applications to lectures than I can possibly fill—[&] in the West they say “Charge all you please, but come.” I shan’t go West at all. I stop lecturing the [22d] of January, sure. But I shall talk every night up to that time. They flood me with high-priced invitations to write for magazines [&] papers, [&] publishers besiege me to write books. Can’t do any of these things.
I am twenty-two thousand dollars in debt, [&] shall earn the money [&] pay it within two years—[&] therefore I am not spending any money except when it is necessary.5
I had my life insured for $10,000 yesterday (what ever became of Mr. Moffett’s life insurance?) “for the benefit of my natural heirs”—the same being my mother, for Livy wouldn’t claim it, you may be sure of that. This has taken $200 out of my pocket which I was going to send to Ma.6 But I will send her some, soon. Tell Orion to keep a stiff upper lip—when the worst comes to the worst I will come forward. Must talk in Providence, R. I., tonight. Must leave now. I thank Mollie [&] Orion [&] the rest for your letters, but you see how I am pushed—ought to have 6 clerks.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
We had to bring out a new lecture every season, now, ‸(Nasby with the rest,)‸ & expose it in the “Star Course,” Boston, for a first verdict, before an audience of 2500 in the old Music Hall; for it was by that verdict that all the lyceums in the country determined the lecture’s commercial value. The campaign did not really begin in Boston, but in the towns around; we did not appear in Boston until we had rehearsed about a month in those towns, & made & all the necessary corrections & revisings. This system gathered the whole tribe together in the city early in October, & we had a lazy & sociable time there for several weeks. We lived at Young’s hotel; we spent the days in Redpath’s bureau, smoking & talking shop; & early in the evenings we scattered out amongst the towns & made them indicate the good & poor things in the new lectures. (SLC 1898, 7–8)
Source text(s):
Tr | Transcript made for Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK: ‘Boston . . . at a bad time’ |
P1 | MTL, 1:167–69 |
P2 | Paine 1912, 946 ‘To-morrow night . . . little to fear.’ (2.3–8) |
Previous publication:
L3, 386–88, partial publication.
See MTL in Description of Texts and Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.
Emendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:
Boston, Nov. 9. (MTP) • Boston, Nov. 9. ‸1869‸ [added by Paine] (Tr); Boston, Nov. 9, 1869. (P1)
My dear Sister— (Tr) • My dear Sister,— (P1)
[¶] Three (Tr) • [no¶] Three (P1)
pay (Tr) • ~, (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
not letter (Tr) • letter [The typed strikeout and revised word are included in the text here in the likelihood the typist was recording Clemens’s revision in the MS] (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
provided (P1) • provided (Tr)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
throw mine (Tr) • mine [The typed strikeout and revised word are included in the text here in the likelihood the typist was recording Clemens’s revision in the MS] (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
& (Tr) • and (P1)
Your . . . time (Tr) • [words not in] (P1)
Tomorrow (P1) • To-morrow (P2)
& (P2) • and (P1)
Tonight (P1) • To-night (P2)
brand-new (P1) • brand- | new (P2)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
22d (MTP) • 22d (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
& (MTP) • and (P1)
Sam. (MTP) • Sam. (P1)