j. langdon, miner & dealer in anthracite &
bituminous coaloffice no. 6 baldwin street
elmira, n.y. Oct. 9. 186 9.
Dear Mr. Colfax—
I write now, in the hope of catching you just as you reach home—the telegraph says you left Salt Lake yesterday.1
Just this side of Salt Lake you must have met the a train containing two especial friends of mine—young Chas. J. Langdon (whose sister I am to marry during the coming winter,) & his tutor & traveling companion Prof. D. R. Ford, of Elmira College. Mr. Langdon has shipped them off on a ‸pleasure‸ tour round the globe, with orders to take their time & ransack it thoroughly.2
They have special letters from the Gov. Hoffman, Simon Cameron & others, to friends in Europe, & I have given them letters all the letters they need for California.3 Now can’t you & won’t you sit down & write a line of general introduction to—to—well, to anybody—Ministers & Consuls, say—just the grandeur of the thing is what I am looking at—for any hotel-keeper will know that parties can be trusted who carry letters from Vice Presidents. I have no compunctions about asking this favor, for you know Prof. Ford a little, & Mr. Langdon senior, also, I believe—& the Langdons knew your first wife well, both here at the water-cure & in Washington some 7 years ago. This almost makes you kin.4
Yrs Cordially
Mark Twain.
P. S.—If you write it you can send it either to me, here, or to Prof. Ford, Occidental Hotel, San F. They do not sail from San F. till about Nov. 1, for Japan. Six weeks ago I sent you my new book [ (“Innocents”)]—sent it to Washington.5
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Father wanted to compensate Charley as much as he could for his inability to study, he was obliged to gain
information in some other way than from books—Father felt that if he could get Prof. Ford to go as Charlies companion, he
would be just the right man, when they were on ship board, Charlie would be able to study with him some, and when traveling on land,
Prof. Ford could give him all the history of the place, also the Geology and Botany of the country—They intended to take
up Astronomy while on the ocean—(CtHSD) The Langdons hoped that Ford would teach Charles moderation as well (see 8 and 9 Sept 69 to OLL, n. 5).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 368–69; Anderson Galleries, lot 21.
Provenance:Sold in 1928 as part of the manuscript collection of Schuyler Colfax; inserted in a copy of The Innocents
Abroad (1869) from the library of Harold Murcock; donated to Harvard University in 1935.
Emendations and textual notes:
(“Innocents”) • [possibly ‘‸(“‸Innocents‸”)‸’]