St Nicholas Hotel, 15th.
Whitelaw Reed, Esq1Dear Sir–
I am very exceedingly & particularly obliged to you for that paragraph this morning about Memphis. The old gentleman is highly gratified.2 I hope to be able to do a favor for you some time in case you will do me the honor to ask one.
Very Truly Yours,
Mark Twain
Explanatory Notes
We see from the newspapers of Memphis that they
are claiming theirs as the best paved city in the South. From the
same papers we see that the contractors [Northern men]
who put down the pavements are ill-esteemed because they want to get
their pay. We see also in the same journals earnest appeals to
Northern capitalists to make investments in the South, and exhibits
of the inducements offered for Northern capital. Are we to
understand that this Memphis business is a sample of the inducements
they offer? For Memphis’s response, see 26 June 69 to Reid, n.
1 (“Morning Arrivals,” New York Evening Express, 11 June 69, 3; hotel arrivals,
New York Tribune, 11 June 69, 8, 12 June 69, 5;
23 June 69
to PAM).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 264–265.
Provenance:donated to DLC between 1953 and 1973 by Mrs. Helen Rogers Reid and her sons,
Whitelaw Reid and Ogden R. Reid.