Elmira, Thursday, 1869.
Friend Bliss—
Yes, on page 233 [it ] ought to be “forgot it in France”—as you suggest.
Sometimes it should be “St Peter” & sometimes “St. Peter’s.” I have made the correction.1
Well, I am sure I hope we shall [ made make ] a big campaign with the [book. It ] is a readable book, I know—because I wrote it myself. And it is going to be a mighty handsome book—as your letter-press & pictures show, plainly enough.
I begin to be afraid that I have given you MSS enough for about a million pages.
Yrs in a hurry
[letter docketed:]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 194–195; MTMF, 93, brief quotation.
Provenance:donated to CtY in 1942 by Walter F. Frear.
Emendations and textual notes:
it • [doubtful ‘i◇t’; partly formed letter]
made make • mad ke
book. It • book.— |It