Elmira, April 12, 1869.
Friend Bliss—
I think St Mark & the others, “by the Old Masters” are the very funniest pictures I ever saw. I cut them out of the proof to send to Mrs. Fairbanks of Cleveland who always pleaded that the Old Masters might be spared from a blackguarding. I think all the engravings are handsome & attractive. I did “copper” that fountain, but since it looks like the one you got in Paris (Ky.) yourself, I haven’t another word to say. You see I thought it looked like a lot [ or of ] niggers & horses adrift in a freshet—but I don’t say a word, now, Bliss. I guess it will look well when it is neatly printed.1
Your idea about the “Echo” diagram is correct—glad it is to be engraved. ‸What is become of the beautiful view of Spires (Milan Cathedral)?‸
How is the name business?
[ The E Crusade of the Innocents ]—Or, Pil. Prog. &c.
The Innocents Abroad—Or, &cc
The Exodus of the Innocents—Or &c2
I’m pushing the proofs. Hereafter, they will return to you by the very next mail after reception.3
[letter docketed] [and] Mark Twain | April 12/69
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 192–94; MTMF, 90, brief excerpt; Davis 1951, with omission; MTLP, 18–19; McBride, 365, brief paraphrase.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection, p. 587.
Emendations and textual notes:
or of • orf
The E Crusade of the Innocents • [underscored before deletion of ‘The’]