Private.— Jno Russell Young Esq1
Dear Sir—
This is a very able article—but still you may not need it, for all that. So, if you should not, won’t you let your Secretary mail it back to me at [Hartford ], (148 Asylum st.,) [so ] that I can gouge some [other ] journal with it?2
My book, “The New [Pilgrim’s ] Progress,” is will [issue ] in about 3 or 4 weeks—the [200 ] engravings are tip-top. I like them.3
Yrs Truly
Saml. L. Clemens.
[letter docketed:] File. | Ans. | JRY
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Dispatches from
Washington yesterday inform us that Ex-President Johnson lies dangerously ill at his home in
Greenville, Tennessee. Dr. Basil Norris has been summoned by telegraph, and
left Washington yesterday for Greenville. —A rumor was circulated in New York
last evening that Mr. Johnson was dead.
But no intelligence to that effect had been received from any
authentic source, and it is therefore to be received only as a rumor
without reliable foundation. (1) For the text of “The White House
Funeral,” see Enclosure with 8–10 March
1869 to John Russell Young.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 150–151.
Provenance:donated to DLC in 1924 by May Davids (Mrs. John Russell) Young and Gordon R.
Emendations and textual notes:
Hartford • []artford [torn]
so • []o [torn]
other • []ther [torn]
Pilgrim’s • Pil-| []rim’s [torn]
issue • is-| [u]e [torn]
200 • [2]00 [torn]