14 January 1869 • Davenport, Iowa
(MS and transcript made for Albert Bigelow Paine: NPV and CU-MARK, UCCL 00233)
Davenport, Iowa,
Jan 14.
My Dear Sister:
I lectured here [to-night]—& have lately lectured in several Michigan towns, & in Akron, Ohio, Fort Wayne, Ind., Indianapolis, Rockford, Monmouth, Galesburg, Chicago, Peoria, Decatur, & Ottawa, Ill—& a lecture every night—& now have to talk in Iowa City, Sparta, Wis., Toledo, Ohio, Norwalk, Cleveland, & a lot of places in Illinois, Michigan, & New York City & New York State, & am getting awfully tired of it.1 I spend about half as much money as I make, I think, though I have managed to save about a thousand dollars, so far—don't think I shall save more than a thousand more.2
One of Mrs. Pavey's daughters (she married a doctor & is living in an Illinois town & has sons larger than I am,) was in the audience at Peoria. Had a long talk with her. She came many miles to be there.3 Saw a nephew of Tom Collins in Decatur.4
The Societies all want to engage me to lecture for them next year, but [I can’t promise—I don’t want to lecture any more. I want to get at something else.]
[portion of MS page missing (about 65 words—17 of them now restored from Paine transcript)]
That is all of the private.5 Had a letter from Miss Lou Conrad the other day—was near where she lives, but had not time to go there.6
What do you think of Norwich, N.Y., for a home? I think it will exactly suit you. You can run to New York or visit the sea-side whenever you please, from there.7
No, you can't board & lodge in New York City in any sort of respectable & comfortable style for less than $25 to $35 a week apiece.
In the spring go yourself, or send Orion8—or both of you go—to Norwich, & you will rent or buy a house & be delighted. I only wish I could live [there. I] am to lecture every night till Feb. 2. Shall be in Cleveland, Ohio, one day only—Jan. 22.
Love to all.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTBus, 103–4, partial publication; L3, 43–44, partial publication.
See McKinney Family Papers and Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:Adopted readings followed by ‘(MTP)’ are editorial emendations of the source readings.
to-night (MTP) • to- | night (MS)
I can't . . . else. (Tr) • [seventeen words not in] (MS)
there. I (MTP) • ~.—| ~ (MS)