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Add to My Citations To Pamela A. Moffett
24 December 1868 • Lansing, Mich.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00209)
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No. 6.

Lansing, Mich, Dec. 24.

My Dear Sister:

I have nothing new to report concerning that matter, save that it moves along entirely to my satisfaction. I thank you ever so kindly for your letter—which I exhibited.1 I am not afraid of your betraying the secret.

I have nothing to write except to wish you all a merry Christmas & a happy new year. I have lectured in Newark, Rondout, Norwich, Scranton, Fort [Plain[,] Detroit] & Lansing, & am fairly under way, now. The above places are in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Michigan. I go into Ohio again, in a day or two, & shall spend New Year’s in Cleveland, it being very close to my other appointments. I shall be the guest of the “Herald” folks,2 of course. I hardly get time to turn around, much less write.

Give my love to all the family. I enclose some money—$20 for Ma, & $10 for the children, to buy holiday nonsense with, or to give to the missionaries, or to expend in any other [ specious species] of dissipation that may engage their fancy.3

I think you will like Norwich, New York, very much. If you will send Orion in the spring to rent a house (you only have to pay $150 to $200,) I will pay his way.4 Good-bye.

Yrs affectionately


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1 Presumably the same letter Clemens mentioned in his 19 and 20 December letter to Olivia.

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2 Abel and Mary Mason Fairbanks.

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3 Jane Clemens recorded the receipt of $20 from her son on 28 December as the sixth installment of that amount received from him that month, which explains Clemens’s own notation (“No. 6.”) at the top of his letter (29? Nov 68 to PAM, n. 4).

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4 As he had earlier promised, Clemens here suggested one of the towns in western New York to which his mother and sister might want to move (10 Dec 68 to JLC and family, n. 3).

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Vassar College Library (NPV).

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L2, 347–348; MTBus, 106–7, with omissions, and misdated 1869.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphsee McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.

glyphglyphEmendations and textual notes:glyph

Plain[,] Detroit • Plain‸ | Detroit

specious species • spe-| cious cies