‸ No. 6.‸
Lansing, Mich, Dec. 24.
My Dear Sister:
I have nothing new to report concerning that matter, save that it moves along entirely to my satisfaction. I thank you ever so kindly for your letter—which I exhibited.1 I am not afraid of your betraying the secret.
I have nothing to write except to wish you all a merry Christmas & a happy new year. I have lectured in Newark, Rondout, Norwich, Scranton, Fort [Plain[,] Detroit] & Lansing, & am fairly under way, now. The above places are in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Michigan. I go into Ohio again, in a day or two, & shall spend New Year’s in Cleveland, it being very close to my other appointments. I shall be the guest of the “Herald” folks,2 of course. I hardly get time to turn around, much less write.
Give my love to all the family. I enclose some money—$20 for Ma, & $10 for the children, to buy holiday nonsense with, or to give to the missionaries, or to expend in any other [ specious species] of dissipation that may engage their fancy.3
I think you will like Norwich, New York, very much. If you will send Orion in the spring to rent a house (you only have to pay $150 to $200,) I will pay his way.4 Good-bye.
Yrs affectionately
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 347–348; MTBus, 106–7, with omissions, and misdated 1869.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.
Emendations and textual notes:
Plain[,] Detroit • Plain‸ | Detroit
specious species • spe-| cious cies