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Add to My Citations To Charles Henry Webb
10 January 1868 • Washington, D.C.
(Transcripts: AAA 1927, lot 109; Parke-Bernet Galleries 1940,
lot 188, UCCL 00178)
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Washington, [Jan. 9]

. . . .

[Please send me 3 ]copies of [the Jumping ]Frog—I never got but 6 of the lot you gave [me ]an order [for]. [I lost the order. Send them (the 3) through the mail. ]It is 2 [A.M.]—I will to bed.1

[Yr. Friend

Saml. Clemens.]

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 That is, presumably, early in the morning of 10 January.

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
No copy-text. The text is based on two auction-catalog transcriptions that derive independently from the lost MS:
P1 AAA 1927, lot 109
P2 Parke-Bernet Galleries 1940, lot 188
Although P2 is more complete than P1, both lack (at least) a salutation. Like many catalogs, P1 and P2 use italic type for text quoted from manuscript, a convention not followed here.

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L2, 153; none known except P1 and P2.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphThe MS was once owned by Henry Goldsmith, New York (before 1927), and then by John Gribbel, Philadelphia (before 1940). Its present location is unknown.

glyphglyphEmendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:glyph

No copy-text. The text is based on two auction-catalog transcriptions that derive independently from the lost MS:

Although P2 is more complete than P1, both lack (at least) a salutation. Like many catalogs, P1 and P2 use italic type for text quoted from manuscript, a convention not followed here.

Adopted readings without sigla are editorial emendations of the source readings.

Jan. 9 • Jan 9 [1903] (P1); January 9 [1867] (P2)

Please . . . 3 (P2) • Asks Webb to send him three (P1)

the Jumping (P2) • dee Jumping (P1)

me (P1) • [not in] (P2)

for (P2) • [followed in P1 by three ellipsis points, which stand for the dropped words described in the next entry]

I . . . mail. (P2) • [not in] (P1)

A.M. (P1) • am (P2)

Yr. . . . Clemens. (P2) • [not in] (P1)