9 January 1868 • Washington, D.C.
(MS: NPV and ViU, UCCL 00176)
‸P.S. The marked paper from one Geo. W. Elliott (I think that was the name) referred to by Pamela, had no marks or writing done by me—don’t you know my handwriting yet? The request was to me to acknowledge the receipt of the paper—that was all.‸ 1
224 F street
Wash, Jan. 9.
My Dear Mother & Sister=
That infernal lecture is over, thank Heaven! It came near being a villainous failure. It was not advertised at all. The manager was taken sick yesterday, & the man who was sent to tell me, never got to me till after noon to-day. There was the dickens to pay. It was too late to do anything.—too late to stop the lecture. —I scared up the a [door-keeper], & was ready at the proper time, & by pure good luck a tolerably good house assembled & I was saved! I hardyly knew what I was going to talk about, but it went off in splendid style. I was to have preached again Saturday night, but I won’t—I can’t get along without a manager.2
I have been in New York ever since Christmas, you know, & now I shall have to work like sin to catch up on my correspondence.3
And I have to get up that confounded book, too. Cut my letters out of the Alta’s & send them to me in an envelop. Some, here, that are not mailed yet, I shall have to copy, I suppose.4
A movement is on foot to keep the present Patent Office man in his place. If it succeeds, I think it will be very well for Orion.5
I have got a thousand things to do, & am not doing any of [them. I ]feel perfectly savage.
Good bye—
Yrs affly
Mrs. Wm. A. Moffett, | 1312 Chesnut street | St Louis | Mo. [postmarked:] washington [d.c. ]’68 free [and][ collected ] JAN [10 ]5 P.M. WASH’N, D.C. [franked by Clemens:] Wm M Stewart | USS
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 151–153; MTB, 1:356, excerpt; MTL, 1:144–45, without postscript and envelope.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14. The envelope was deposited at ViU on 17 December 1963.
Emendations and textual notes:
door-keeper • door-|keeper
them. I • them.—|I
d.c. • d.c. [] [badly inked]
collected • coll [ct] t [ed] [badly inked]
10 • 1[] [possibly ‘13’ or ‘15’; badly inked]